<aside> 💡 The FAQ pages have been moved to the UModeler X Official Manual. Please refer to the FAQ page and the Trouble Shooting page in the official Manual.


Prefab Assets contain both UModelerX editable data and renderable mesh data for convenience in file management. However, there are times when the UModelerX editable data becomes unnecessary, such as after editing is complete or when UModelerX is deleted from the prefab. In these instances, you can delete the data using the following method

  1. Select the Asset or Assets you wish to delete.

  2. Right-click and select 'Clean Unused UModelerX Data' and 'Clean Unused UModelerX Mesh', which can be found under Assets/UModeler X.


    1. Clean Unused UModelerX Data removes the UModelerX Data that is not being used.
    2. Clean Unused UModelerX Data and Mesh removes both the unused UModelerX Data and Unity Mesh Data.
    3. For Mesh Data, this operation deletes unused Mesh Data in MeshFilter, SkinnedMeshRenderer, and MeshCollider.